
I have over ten years of experience teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels in geography, environmental management, gender studies, global studies, and the comparative history of ideas at the University of Auckland and the University of Washington including: Sustainability for Social Change; Critical Theories and Methods in Gender Studies; Cities and Urbanism; Geographies of Global Youth; Global Hunger and Development


My research explores the politics of place resulting from relations of care and conflict.

PhD in Geography, University of Washington

Remembering, Sensing and Caring for their Worlds: Children’s Environmental Politics in a Rural New Zealand Town

MA in Geography, University of Washington

Through a Pink Lens: (Re)presenting the Geographical Imaginations of Code Pink

Academic Publications

Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles:

Bartos, A.E. (forthcoming) Care is not a ‘choice’: The limits of the pro-choice discourse. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy.

Bartos, A.E. (2021). Troubling false care: Towards a more revolutionary ‘care revolution’ in the university. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographers. 20 (3): 312-321.

Bartos, A.E. (2019). Introduction: Stretching the boundaries of care. Gender, Place & Culture, 26 (6), 767-777.

Bartos, A.E. (2018). The uncomfortable politics of care and conflict: Exploring non-traditional caring agencies. Geoforum, 88, 66-73.

Bartos, A.E. (2017). The body eating its food politics: Reflections on relationalities and embodied ways of knowing. Gender, Place & Culture, 24(2), 153-159.

Bartos, A.E.  (2012).  Children caring for their worlds: The politics of care and childhood. Political Geography, 31(3): 157-166.

Find more of my publications on Google Scholar 

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